An Occlusal splint is often prescribed for night-time use to reduce the wear and tear on teeth when serious clenching problems can take place. Occlusal guards are removable devices that fit over the teeth and are used to help prevent the wearing down of teeth during sleep due to night-time grinding and clenching. Sometimes these guards are also worn during the day if the patient’s problems are more serious than just the average teeth grinding problems.
With porcelain veneers, it is vital to wear your occlusal splint when you sleep for the following reasons:
- Your teeth can move.
- If you grind your teeth at night you can chip or break a veneer, so we supply and advise all our patients to wear their splint at night.
- By wearing an occlusal splint you protect your veneers from breaking, and therefore saving you additional costs.
- The occlusal splint keeps your lower teeth straight as well, which is an added bonus.
How much does an occlusal splint cost?
A custom dental guard (also called an occlusal splint), but at what price? You are looking at about $600 for an Occlusal splint which is made by a dentist or a dental technician and cannot be replaced by the ones bought online or from the pharmacy. There are so many different reasons for wearing an occlusal splint, mouth guard or protective tray. Take advise from your dentist and sleep well at night.