
Can I Get Veneers?

Dec 7, 2018

At SmileOnPerth we will do anything to try and get you the best possible smile. We do porcelain veneer cases far more than at least 90% of the dental clinics in Australia. Please follow us on Facebook or Instagram to see our most recent cases.

So if there is a way to help you that will benefit your dental health and your smile we will do our best to do that.

If you are considering dental veneers, please be remembered that it is a cosmetic process, not an orthodontic solution.

 about Porcelain Veneers will not correct badly misaligned teeth or overbite, and in this case, Dr Hau will advise you of this and refer you to an orthodontist. There are patients that return to us once they have corrected their bite or misaligned teeth and then with the greatest of pleasure, we apply porcelain veneers on their teeth and the results are outstanding.

Veneers also need healthy teeth on which to attach. Any decay or gum disease must be treated prior to the attachment of veneers. Dr Hau is a highly qualified cosmetic dentist and he will be able to do the restorative dentistry for you before veneers. He is also known as a pain-free dentist which is an added bonus. .

Persistent teeth grinding can cause veneers to chip, break for even detach completely from the tooth. But once again Dr Hau will go through all this with you at your first appointment and will give you all the different options available to you.

Veneers can be the cosmetic answer for:

  • Gaps between the teeth -but we still like to leave a small gap as often it is your character
  • Broken chipped and cracked teeth – It is the best anti-aging remedy. It honestly makes you look years younger and so much healthier. Our patients love these results.
  • Badly stained or colored teeth. If you have tried teeth whitening and if teeth color is stubborn, sometimes veneers are the only option and we get great results in this area.
  • Crooked or irregular shaped teeth. This is where we wave our magic wand and make your teeth look outstanding and leave in complete disbelief. We can show you literally hundreds of different examples about these.

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